A different corner

You are cheated on in a relationship but you try to convince yourself it's all ok. However something in the back of ones mind keeps repeating the truth.Everyone knows, nobody shows and the hurt still grows:

I don't know what to think sometimes
Coming home is such a painful drive
Door opens, you greet picture perfect fine
but I see another none too shy

Telling me with a smile that shines
same old guests are again coming tonight
Guess it's a sign of the times
when you can play before haunted eyes

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

Doorbell strikes to hit right on time
Last to know I want to die
I'm getting tired of reading signs
Getting tired just like his wife

What good is silence to me now
what good is violence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I caught what I caught yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

I can't and I don't
I don't and I won't
I won't and I shan't
I shan't because i can't believe you anymore

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

About The Author First of all welcome to Dlyricist.com via ArticleCity. All the songs are my own ,and I am Suki Cheema , who claims to be a lyricist. They are for the enjoyment of all, from established names and their reps to the guys performing on a weekend in the pub to someone getting a high on youtube. Some will be moved and other's will ask for the bucket...but hey that's life!

Anyway please look at the Recent compositions on the left or search if you what to look for, or if you have the time enjoy an entire collection which each has ten compositions. Before I go, please get express permission before using my material for obvious reasons.



You Belong To Me

This dark composition is about an individual convincing himself that another human being whom he has never met, is his ideal soul mate. The more he goes into the ritual, the thread of conviction gets stronger and his urges to go further using whatever means become more acceptable:

You belong to me
You belong to me
In time you will see
You belong to me

Your apartment window seems so small
Sometimes I can hardly see at all
Your 7AM yoga keeps you fine
Your subway latte is finished just in time

You belong to me
You belong to me
In time you will see
You belong to me

Your office window won't let me in
Why are my calls diverted to him
Your boss is positioning says my hunch
whatever he won't bug your tomorrows walk to lunch

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

As you awake I wipe away your blood
these chains of love are for our trust
Sunrise will chase away your sunset tears
when we reach the land beyond our fears

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

You belong to me
We were meant to be
You belong to me
it's written in destiny
your rat race is history
Were gonna be so happy
In time you will see
You belong to me

About The Author First of all welcome to Dlyricist.com via ArticleCity. All the songs are my own ,and I am Suki Cheema , who claims to be a lyricist. They are for the enjoyment of all, from established names and their reps to the guys performing on a weekend in the pub to someone getting a high on youtube. Some will be moved and other's will ask for the bucket...but hey that's life!

Anyway please look at the Recent compositions on the left or search if you what to look for, or if you have the time enjoy an entire collection which each has ten compositions. Before I go, please get express permission before using my material for obvious reasons.



Let Any Kingdom Come

You take and treat the one you love the way you know you shouldn't and then you watch her go out with someone who is treating her the way you should have. The guilt keeps making you bleed and more so the lost chance of being with someone you truly love:

Let any kind of Kingdom come
for teasing tomorrow will not hide
me from what I have done
from your tears now sharing my eyes

I shouldn't have said
I shouldn't have did
you shouldn't have dared
can you ever forgive?

and now you...
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him

your new lover is a bum
and you looking serious just terrifies
for is this reality who turns
to tell you what I've always denied

I should have said
I should have did
I should have dared
can you ever forgive

and now you...
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
watch me watch you go out with him
are you really smiling
are you really trying
does his being really illuminate your soul
my turn for crying
my turn for sighing
these aching red hands can't let go

About The Author First of all welcome to Dlyricist.com via ArticleCity . All the songs are my own ,and I am Suki Cheema , who claims to be a lyricist. They are for the enjoyment of all, from established names and their reps to the guys performing on a weekend in the pub to someone getting a high on youtube. Some will be moved and other's will ask for the bucket...but hey that's life!

Anyway please look at the Recent compositions on the left or search if you what to look for, or if you have the time enjoy an entire collection which each has ten compositions. Before I go, please get express permission before using my material for obvious reasons.



Bye Bye Baby

Gave my heart and you took it to your best friend for a whirl
got it back all scarred with lies by your caring sisterhood whose so evil

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
bye bye baby
baby bye bye

Take a trip down memory and make sure its a memory not fantasy lane
have the last word for haven't I answered every captured whisper again and again

its so easy to accuse
its so harder to proof
in your world of in-securities
kept alive by someone's jealousy
your just another manipulated fool

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

Have you ever wondered if she's ever had a touch of what you've had
was she around the corner when your heartbreak scenes came back from the past

it's my time to accuse
just look back for proof
in your world of in-securities
kept alive by someone's jealousy
your just another manipulated fool

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
love of my life it's too late

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
got to admit for once I've failed

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
from her painting everything as fate

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
from you seeing your her tail

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

bye bye baby
baby bye bye
you wont see me cry babe
you won't see me cry
There again may be for once
I'm telling a lie

you manipulated fool....

About The Author First of all welcome to Dlyricist.com via Articlecity. All the songs are my own ,and I am Suki Cheema , who claims to be a lyricist. They are for the enjoyment of all, from established names and their reps to the guys performing on a weekend in the pub to someone getting a high on youtube. Some will be moved and other's will ask for the bucket...but hey that's life!



Music Industry Future

Are you considering a future in the music industry? Has the lure of the performing arts or music called to you and you are now trying to establish your place there? It can be overwhelming to say the least and without the proper aid or assistance you might find yourself confused, lost, and beginning to falter in your dream. Don't let go or give in, simply look for the help you need and let them help carry you on toward your dreams.

If you are just entering into the music industry and have no idea about who or what you should be contacting, your first move should be to arrange a meeting or interview with a music industry consultant. These people know the industry inside and out, and they are trained on how to manage it while aiding new up and coming actors, musicians, etc. By securing the help of one, you are insuring your place in music and you will be able to begin your move toward the top. By hiring them you are showing that you are willing to learn, and that you are serious about accomplishing your dreams.

Trying to handle the business aspect of the music industry can be demanding and wearing on your nerves. Hiring a music business consultant could save you both time and money, leaving you to focus on your career and your dreams. Your consultant will be ale to achieve order and practicality concerning the business end of your work and they are qualified to keep things running smoothly and in control. Don't place more stress on yourself than is necessary, let them carry the business.

Confused about what music you should perform? A music consultant can give you a fresh perspective on what is popular and what is not, as well as help you find your best performance material. No matter what you are doing, you will need music, be it singing, dancing, or acting and these people will help you find the best music there is.

As with any endeavor, music is no less difficult. There will be highs and lows, happy and sad moments but depending on your determination and your hard work, you may find yourself rising quickly to the top and achieving your goals and dreams. Keep them in your mind, and follow your dreams the practical way -- get help from people that know the industry.

About The Author Ty Cohen
Platinum Millennium Publishing
PO Box 644
Garner, NC 27529

Want Free Music Biz Advice?

Who else wants to receive free advice from "Mr X", a man who has helped artist such as New Edition, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Puff Daddy, Prince and More, including up an comers just like you, to sell nearly 150 Gold & Platinum Albums Worldwide!

Now he wants to help you, by offering you private consulting as well as giving you a free copy of his audio CD "7 Golden Secrets to Succeeding in the Music Industry" Visit http://www.MusicBizCenter.com/freecd1 to get your free CD mailed out to you right now.


Music Industry Options Are Available To You

Taking the time to really peruse your options when it comes to the music industry can be a difficult task, but it is necessary if you have intentions of succeeding where so many others have failed. There are several major consultants you will need to keep in mind, preferably before beginning your career, but if you have already started, it can only get easier once you have found the proper qualified help.

Finding a good music consultant can boost your choices of music whether you dance, sing, or act. These companies are available to assist you in your endeavor in finding the best music to suit you and what you are doing. For a complete listing in your surrounding area, try running a search engine online for local music consultants or find them in the phone book. Either way, setting up an interview or meeting with them could help you take the next step toward realizing your dreams.

Having someone around that is practiced and knowledgeable in the music industry can save you immeasurable time, so hiring the services of a qualified music industry consultant would be a wise step in your endeavor to finding your notch in the music industry. They are educated and trained in how to maneuver within the parameters that are involved in the music industry and knowing what they do, they are better able to help boost your career closer toward realizing your dreams.

A music business consultant will aid you in time saving and money saving techniques as well as helping you to learn your way around the business end of the music industry. Their help will be invaluable to you toward finding some of the best business opportunities and maximizing on your potential as well as that of those surrounding you whether they be employees, singers, actors, or musicians. They help those that need it and help to clarify the business in layman terms to assist you in your climb to the top.

Keeping these options in mind when you begin your journey through the music industry could be the determining factor in your career. Whether you are approaching the industry from the business end, or you are a performer yourself, you will need someone to help you find the best ways to maneuver through the difficult times, and applaud you during the best. Hiring outside help could be your best idea toward accomplishing your goals and helping to carry your company or performance to the top.

About The Author Ty Cohen
Platinum Millennium Publishing
PO Box 644
Garner, NC 27529

Want Free Music Biz Advice?

Who else wants to receive free advice from "Mr X", a man who has helped artist such as New Edition, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Puff Daddy, Prince and More, including up an comers just like you, to sell nearly 150 Gold & Platinum Albums Worldwide!

Now he wants to help you, by offering you private consulting as well as giving you a free copy of his audio CD "7 Golden Secrets to Succeeding in the Music Industry" Visit http://www.MusicBizCenter.com/freecd1 to get your free CD mailed out to you right now.


Musical Entertainment

If you are looking for an easier and less confusing or time consuming way of providing the entertainment for your church, business, or friends these are some ways to find some of the best performers, musicians, or actors. Why spend your valuable time searching for something that a few people are able to give you lists at a moments notice. These are trained individuals that specialize in these particular departments to better assist you and people from both ends of the music industry spectrum. Whether you are searching for the talent to hire, or buy or whether you are the talent looking for a job, these are the people to see:

A music industry consultant can be found in most cities listed under music or business music in the yellow pages. These companies specialize in providing services to you as either a performer or someone searching for a performer. If you are trying to find the next best number one singer, consulting them can get you some of the best musicians or performers either local or long distance. They are able to give you the latest information about the industry and what is new, old, hot, or not worth your time. Saving you time is their main purpose and doing it professionally is their main asset.

Hiring a music business consultant to give you a fresh perspective on your business end of the music industry can end up saving you money in the long run. By making yourself and your company or office aware of the competition, the requirements, and the over all normal procedures of your business, you are preparing for your future success. Hiring a professional to help you achieve order and success is a good idea to implement in your company as well as keeping you updated on what to expect business wise in the future.

A music consultant is the person to see for information on the latest and greatest music, performers, etc. If you are searching for a specific type of music or certain performer, they will assist you in locating what it is you are searching for, and teaching you how to navigate in the music industry without causing yourself a big headache. By hiring a professional to handle your business portions of the music side to your business, you will see excellent results as well as lessen your stress and work load.

Keeping in the loop on the music industry can be difficult and nearly impossible depending on the number of musicians or performers you are attempting to handle. Seeking the aid of these professional individuals can be the determining factor in whether or not you fail or succeed.

About The Author Ty Cohen
Platinum Millennium Publishing
PO Box 644
Garner, NC 27529

Want Free Music Biz Advice?

Who else wants to receive free advice from "Mr X", a man who has helped artist such as New Edition, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Puff Daddy, Prince and More, including up an comers just like you, to sell nearly 150 Gold & Platinum Albums Worldwide!

Now he wants to help you, by offering you private consulting as well as giving you a free copy of his audio CD "7 Golden Secrets to Succeeding in the Music Industry" Visit http://www.MusicBizCenter.com/freecd1 to get your free CD mailed out to you right now.


A Musical Career

Beginning a musical career can be difficult if you do not know how to break into the mainstream industry. Everyone has dreams and yours are no less important, but unless you know the right people to contact or the best businesses to approach, you could be left floundering in one spot, unable to move forward and unable to go back. If you are looking to carry your singing, acting, performing, or unique career forward to the next level, you will need to know what kind of people to consult and where to go.

Depending on what exactly you are searching for you should find an excellent music consultant. There are companies locally that are available to assist you in determining what music would best suit you, or how to best go about presenting your music you have either written or had written for you. Your performance is directly related to your ability and your presentation and if you have someone that is qualified in that aspect, it will help to move your career further ahead in the right direction that much faster.

The ins and outs of the music industry can be extremely overwhelming to the layman and offers no respite to singers and performers alike, regardless of your talent. You need a music industry consultant to help you understand everything you will be involved in and help you keep a fresh perspective on what will be involved in your journey to the top. With their help and assistance you will be able to better understand everything surrounding your endeavors. Although they can only show you the way to a certain limit, their input will be helpful toward setting your goals and accomplishing them.

Looking at things from the other end of the business spectrum, engaging the assistance of a music business consultant is another excellent way of getting a handle on the music industry from a business perspective to better fulfill any goals you are trying to achieve. There are various fronts to the business aspect of music, and knowing the right people can raise your chances of succeeding. The business end of show business can be confusing, but hiring the right consultant can put you in a better place to understand and use the benefits to move up and forward toward the career you desire.

Keep these in mind when you are beginning your music, singing, or acting career. There will be many ups and downs during your journey, why make them any more difficult than necessary?

About The Author Ty Cohen
Platinum Millennium Publishing
PO Box 644
Garner, NC 27529

Want Free Music Biz Advice?

Who else wants to receive free advice from "Mr X", a man who has helped artist such as New Edition, Madonna, Quincy Jones, Puff Daddy, Prince and More, including up an comers just like you, to sell nearly 150 Gold & Platinum Albums Worldwide!

Now he wants to help you, by offering you private consulting as well as giving you a free copy of his audio CD "7 Golden Secrets to Succeeding in the Music Industry" Visit http://www.MusicBizCenter.com/freecd1 to get your free CD mailed out to you right now.


The Rock Pop Music

Rock pop music is a style of popular music with an outstanding vocal melody accompanied by guitar, drums, and bass. Many forms of rock music also use keyboard instruments such as organ, piano, mellotron, and synthesizers. Other instruments sometimes employed in rock include harmonica, violin, flute, banjo, melodica, and timpani. Besides, rare stringed instruments such as mandolin and sitar are used. Rock pop music normally has a strong back beat, and often revolves around the guitar, either solid electric, hollow electric, or acoustic.

Rock pop music has its origin in 1940s and 1950s rock and roll and rockabilly, which developed from blues, country music and other influences. The All Music Guide opines that rock and roll in its purest form has three chords, a strong, insistent back beat, and a catchy melody. Initially,rock & roll took from a variety of sources, mainly blues, R&B, and country, but also gospel, traditional pop, jazz, and folk. All of these impact combined in a simple, blues-based song structure that was not only fast and catchy but also foot tapping.

In the late 1960s, rock pop music was combined with folk music ,blues and jazz to create folk rock, blues-rock and jazz-rock fusion respectively.It created psychedelic rock music irrespective of the time. In the 1970s, rock incorporated influences from soul, funk, and latin music. During the 1970s, a number of subgenres of rock, such as soft rock, heavy metal, hard rock, progressive rock, and punk rock was created. Synth-rock, hardcore punk and alternative rock were the sub genres of rock pop music that was developed in the 1980s whereas, rock subgenres in the 1990s included grunge, Britpop, indie rock, and nu metal.

A rock band or rock group is a group of musicians specializing in rock pop music . Most of the rock groups consist of a guitarist, lead singer, bass guitarist, and drummer, forming a quartet. Few groups may skip one or more of these roles and make use of a lead singer who can play an instrument while singing, forming a trio or duo; others include additional musicians such as one or two rhythm guitarists and/or a keyboardist. Seldom, groups also employ stringed instruments such as violins or cellos, or horns like trumpets or trombones.

About The Author Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to music and harmony.For more information logon http://www.casanads.com/bm/me.htm


The Pop Music

Pop music is a liberal and vague category of modern music not marked by artistic considerations but by its promising audience or future market. Pop is music composed with calculated objective to influence the majority of its contemporaries.

In contrast to music that calls for education or arrangement to appreciate, a significant characteristic of pop music is that anyone is able to enjoy it. Artistic concepts such as complex musical form and aesthetics are not a matter in the writing of pop songs, the key aim being audience satisfaction and commercial triumph. Although the aim of pop music is to sell records and do really well in the charts, it does not require wide acclaim or commercial success. There are bad or unsuccessful pop songs.

Originally the term was an abbreviation of, and synonymous to, popular music, but developed around 1954 to express a particular musical category. The stylistic origins of pop music is folk,jazz,R&B,rock and roll,traditional pop music.The typical instruments are electric guitar,bass guitar,drum kit and keyboard.The cultural origins date back to 1950's in the United States.It is popular worldwide since 1960s.

The standard format of pop music is the song, usually less than five minutes in length. The instrumentation can range from an orchestra to a lone singer. In spite of this wide choice, a standard lineup in a pop band includes a lead guitarist, a bassist, a drummer (or an electronic drum machine), a keyboardist and one or more singers, generally not themselves instumentalists.

Pop songs are generally conspicuous by a heavy rhythmic element, a mainstream style and traditional structure. The most common modification is strophic in form and focuses on memorable melodies, catchy hooks and the appeal of the verse-chorus-verse arrangement, with the chorus sharply contrasting the verse melodically, rhythmically and harmonically.

Lyrics in pop compositions are usually simple and speak of universal experiences and feelings, moving away from incomprehensible or debatable issues.The international appeal of pop was evident in the new millennium, with artists from around the world influencing the genre and local variants merging with the mainstream. As of 2008, pop music is now currently the most popular style of music of youth culture, making competition with hip hop, dance and country.

About The Author Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to music and harmony.For more information logon http://www.casanads.com/bm/me.htm


How to turn a bog plant into a serenade

I began playing the clarinet when I was 11 years old, back in 1984, after many months of pestering my parents. Although I wasn't particularly good when I started, I loved the look and feel of the instrument and I persevered, and I finally ended up as a music student at Leeds University with the clarinet as my first instrument. I didn't find the notes that hard when I was a kid; I could produce a tune without too many tears, but my tunes just didn't sound very nice until I'd got to about grade 6. A lot of young players experience the same problem, and the problem is really twofold- 1) producing a beautiful sound takes lots of practice, and 2) producing a really beautiful sound depends on your reed.

What a Reed is All About

If you don't play a reed instrument you may well be wondering what I'm talking about, so I'll explain a little bit here. (For the already initiated, feel free to skip this bit!)

A clarinet is fundamentally a tube which is approximately 2 feet long; in fact it's the same length as a flute or an oboe. The flute has a small hole which you blow across. This makes the air inside the tube start vibrating, (like if you blow across the top of a bottle and hear a note). The oboe and the clarinet, however, use reeds. These are small bits of cane, (or sometimes plastic), which are attached to the top of the instrument. The cane goes in your mouth and you make it vibrate with your lips and jaw; this sets the column of air vibrating, and hey presto a note sounds. (It's very hard to describe how you actually do this because it all happens inside your closed mouth!) You can't play the clarinet (or the oboe or bassoon) unless you have a reed attached to the top, and these essential bits of kit have, unfortunately, quite a short life span. How long a reed lasts depends on lots of things, like how often you play, what brand you're using, and even what the weather's like. (It's a natural material so it's affected by the humidity of the atmosphere).

The Reed you really Need

So now you know you need a reed, off you pop down to your local music shop, or find one online. The first question they'll ask you is what kind of reed do you need? Narrowing it down to just "a clarinet reed" won't get you very far. You have to specify the strength of your reed. And choose a brand. And choose one of a range of reeds within that brand. And how many do you need to buy?

So how can a little bit of cane be so diverse and complicated? How can you possibly choose?! Let's take a look at the first dilemma: Strength.

Reeds are categorised by their thickness, and given a grading from 1 to 5, including half grades. Basically speaking, the thicker the reed, the more difficult it is to produce a note, but the nicer the note will sound. So, if you are a beginner, (and therefore in possession of relatively weak jaw muscles compared to a veteran), you should choose a low number, known as a "soft" reed. Around 1.5 would be good, but go for a 1 if the 1.5 is too difficult to blow on. As you get better, you'll gradually be able to progress to thicker reeds (known as "hard"). To get a decent sound, you need to be playing on a minimum 3.5, and most professionals will be playing on 4.5 to 5s. Personally, I play on a 3.5. OK, let's move on to brand and product:

In the UK there are mainly 2 companies battling it out in the clarinet reed field, and they are Vandoren and Rico. I'll try to make a comparison between them, since your basic purchasing decision will be between these two brands. Here's what Vandoren say about their standard B flat clarinet reeds:

"The most widely played reeds in the professional world."

And here's what Rico claim about their most similar product:

"The world's most popular reed." One thing you may be able to deduce from this is that Vandoren reeds are better and also more expensive. They produce a better tone for professionals, who are more picky about these things than amateurs. However, there are many more amateurs piping away in their bedrooms on a Sunday afternoon than there are professionals, and they tend to choose Rico, so they can't be all bad.

Here's how the prices compare from 2 reputable online firms, for a box of 10, (the normal number you get in a box).

>From www.myatt.co.uk Rico Reeds cost £8.50 and Vandoren cost £11.00

>From www.dawkes.co.uk Rico cost £6.25 and Vandoren cost £10.25

Rico are well ahead in the tasty price league, so why is it that all these professionals are choosing Vandoren? It really boils down to the sound that comes out when you blow, which to the professional is the only major issue. For us mere mortals though, there are another couple of points to consider- how many of these 10 newly purchased reeds actually work properly, and how long will one last before I have to change it? I've played on both these brands of reeds over the 20 and a bit years I've been playing this instrument, and I believe that Rico are more consistent in the strength grades they put in the box, and they last for the same length of time as Vandoren's, but whereas a box of Vandoren sometimes produces a really stunning beautiful reed, a box of Rico never does.

When you buy a box of reeds, it is quite normal to find that some of them just won't work. This is rather annoying, (especially if you're paying more than a pound a piece), but it's a fact of life. The cane is rigorously tested by both companies, and left to mature for a considerable time, but nothing can stop the cane from becoming slightly modified once it's been packaged up in its box. My personal average from Vandoren is 50% usable reeds per box, while Rico usually gives me 7 or 8 that are playable. So, in effect, they work out even cheaper than you'd bargained for. I think that Rico's testing technology is perhaps superior to Vandoren's, to produce these results. They are more effective at eliminating inferior cane earlier in the process, before it actually gets in the box. In my mind there is no doubt that Vandoren Reeds sound better, but the large difference in price is not justified by the small difference in sound. Going back to my earlier point about the quality of!

my early attempts at the clarinet, I should point out that playing on the correct strength of reed, (and one that isn't too old), will ensure an acceptable sound from anyone. So how to find the correct strength? Read on!

How Strong is your Jaw?

Rico Reeds come in strengths 1-5 (not all brands do). If you're a complete beginner, buy a 1, a 1.5 and a 2. (You can buy reeds singly, both online and in shops. Some shops let you try the reed out before you buy it just in case it's a duffer (see above), but not all of them.) Try the 2 first. If you produce a sound quite easily and without pain, congratulations! You've found the right strength. If you find it takes lots of breath to get a note and you can hear air escaping from the side of your mouth as you blow, the reed is too hard. Try the 1.5, and repeat the process. Remember that with clarinet reeds, the only way is up! When you have been playing on your 1.5 for some time, try the 2 from time to time. Don't play for too long, as your jaw will tire easily and you may bite into your bottom lip. If this happens, your mouth will be too sore to play until it's healed, and you'll have to start with a softer reed again. Gradually increase your playing time, until you can play on the 2 with no problems. Then move on to the 2.5, and repeat the process.

If you stick with a softer reed once your jaw muscles have become stronger, your sound will deteriorate. Playing on a soft reed produces a buzzy kind of tone and can sound flat. Higher notes on the instrument are more difficult to reach with a softer reed, which is another reason why you need to climb that reed ladder! Sometimes reeds are a little bit too hard or a little bit too soft, without being impossible to play on. You don't have to chuck them away in cases like this, you can "doctor" them slightly to make them more playable: if the reed is too soft, trim a VERY narrow (hair's breadth) strip from the tip of the reed with a sharp knife. Or push another reed between it and the mouthpiece of the instrument, pushing it away from the rectangular hole in the mouthpiece slightly. If the reed is too hard, you can sand it a little. Use a piece of 220-grain sandpaper. Rub just a little, then test the reed- a tiny rub can produce a large difference (which is why they don't always get it right in the factory- it's a precision art!)

Breaking in Reeds

All new reeds need to be "broken in". They won't produce a consistent sound until they've been used a few times. Rico reeds are faster to break in than Vandoren. You need to wet the reed (in your mouth or with water- I prefer my mouth, but Rico advise water, as some people have very acidic saliva apparently, eeww), then play on it for just a few minutes each day, until the sound becomes consistent. It's good to have a few reeds "breaking" as you never know when you'll need a new one.

Replacing Reeds

It's easy to tell when your reed needs replacing- after serving you well for a week or 3 (depends how much you play), one day it'll just sound rubbish, completely different to the last time you used it. Every time it goes in your mouth the reed is getting attacked by various germs and other organisms, and your saliva begins the process of breaking down organic matter ready for your tummy, so it's no wonder that they don't last forever! Another obvious sign that you need a new reed is when you accidentally slice it in half while attaching it to the instrument, a tragically common event. (It's held onto your plastic mouthpiece by metal band called a ligature. This has quite sharp sides and if you're not careful it'll cut right through in one go. Don't worry though, I've never heard of anyone cutting their finger on one!)

Arundo Donax

This is the technical name for the reed plant which Rico and Vandoren use to make their reeds. It grows in India and the Mediterranean, and can get as high as 6 metres tall. If you live in the right climate you can grow it in your garden, but I wouldn't suggest trying to grow and make reeds yourself from scratch, although some fanatics do.....

Other Types of Reed

For the standard clarinet, you will be buying B♭ clarinet reeds. It's unlikely that you would buy the wrong reed size, as this is what 99% of people play on, but just for the record, there are also E♭ and bass clarinet reeds. E♭ reeds are for a smaller instrument, and bass clarinet reeds for a beast of an instrument, so neither will fit. The A clarinet takes the B♭ reed, as it is only very fractionally bigger than the B♭ instrument. (Orchestral players need two instruments, an "A" and a "B♭"; see http://www.mymusictheory.com/lessons-html/8-transposinginstruments/8-transpint.html for more on transposing instruments).

Final Verdict

The Rico clarinet reed is a great choice for the amateur player. They are reasonably priced, reasonably consistent within the box, and produce a nice sound. They are easy to get hold of and excellent value for money, especially if you frequently slice them in half! If you want to get serious on the instrument, you should probably move on to more expensive reeds from Vandoren.

Website links



About The Author Victoria K Williams

A specialist in musicology, VK Williams graduated from the University of Leeds in 1995 with a BA(Hons) degree in Music. She is the author and web-designer of http://www.mymusictheory.com.


Watch TV Shows Online For Free-20 Benefits

How to Watch Online TV with PC 2007 Elite-Advantages

Benefits of Watching TV Show Online with PC 2007 Elite Edition.

I want to share with you an opportunity that I have used to watch online TV show for absolutely free on my pc. I’m the only sports fan in my large family and I sometimes found it hard convincing everyone that I had an important NBA, or NFL game to watch.

The remote control wars in the TV room were just too much for me to handle. I downloaded the PC 2007 elite edition into my computer at home since I wanted TV I can watch at my own time and whatever program, me or TV shows I wanted.

I have since found the online TV using the pc 2007 elite edition to have several advantages over watching TV shows on normal TV. Here are some of them.

1. Wide choice of online TV stations and shows to watch

To watch TV shows Online with the pc TV software 2007 Elite, you have a choice of over 3000 TV channels from across the world. In addition, the software came with over 1000 online radio stations. The world TV and radio tuner stations come in different languages too.

2. Able to watch Online TV Shows on a Mobile PC or laptop

Some people choose to install the TV software on a pc at their homes while others choose to download the software into their laptops. Having it on you’re a laptop enables you to access local TV stations even when you are away from home.

All you need is a high speed internet broadband connection.

3. Able to watch free online TV shows at your convenience

PC TV online softwares on your computer will enable you to watch TV when you need it and where you want it. You will no longer have to fight over the remote control for the family TV.

4. Watch adult online TV shows in total privacy

The softwares enable you to watch a lot of free online TV shows which you wouldn’t attempt in the family TV room. If you fancy adult TV shows, you can browse through the software to watch adult xxx movies and TV shows online from any country you want in total privacy.

5. Install multiple TV software for kids to watch TV shows, episodes and programs from their rooms

Since the p cTV online TV softwares can be downloaded into any computer with an internet connection, you can have multiple TVs in different family rooms. Sometimes people decide to install the softwares in their children rooms on their computers.

You can also be able to install parental control on the software to avoid your kids exposure to illicit adult TV content online.

6. Watch online TV programs for free and with o monthly costs

The online TV softwares help you access the free to air TV channels on the internet. Besides the small set up fee, you will not be paying any other monthly fees ever.

You actually get a lifetime membership upon buying the software. Unlike satellite and cable TV services, the online TV is totally free and with a high quality.

7. Watch Free internet TV shows, TV episodes, TV series and TV programs while you work

The biggest benefit of downloading free onlin eTV software on your computer is that you are able to watch TV while you work.

Whether you download the interne tTV software at your home or office computer, you will still be able to catch up with world news wherever you are at and in real time.

8. Get most of the censored, controlled and unseen TV Shows Online

OnlineT V is not as controlled as the other conventional TV networks like ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC etc. With Internet TV softwares you will be able to watch such rare TV shows like hunting TV shows, car racing sports online, highly extreme sports like Thailand traditional kick boxing, traditional monk martial arts like karate, tae kwon do, jujitsu, Kungfu etc.

Some of the free internet TV shows are so extreme you will never see them on normal TV channels.

9. Watch real & uncensored World news and TV shows without doctoring

Most of the normal TV news and content is doctored to suit the government policies on broadcasting,. This restricts the kind and type of TV shows that networks like FOX, CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC can broadcast.

The end result is that we get half baked, censored, unreal TV news. Online TV shows are however uncensored and contain a lot of real things that happen world over.

For example, news coverage of the Iraq war is very different when you watch Al Jazeera compared to what you are given in CNN and other American News networks and channels.

10. Watch home made Adult xxx Videos, TV shows, TV series, TV programs and Episodes.

Online TV using the pc TV 2007 elite edition software will enable you to watch many home made videos and shows. Many people contribute home videos to internet TV stations that you can watch. An example is adult xxx videos that people contribute to freely online.

There are also thousands of funny videos online TV available on the TV channels from around the world.

11. One time low start up cost to download the PC 2007 Elite Edition software

Most of the internetT V softwares come with a low one time start up fee which gives you life time membership to watch online TV channels. The PC 2007 Elite Edition for example costs a mere $50 to download and install.

That’s worth the cost of afew movie tickets but will give you a choice of over 3000 online TV channels plus a lot of internet radio stations to choose from.

Compared to both satellite TV and cable TV installation, this cost is a real deal for online TV unlimited.

12. Watching Free TV online is completely legal and legitimate

Online TV shows are completely legitimate and legal. They are provided by respected world TV networks that specialize on offering world internet based TV service.

They use the internet protocol to broadcast TV stations from around the world. Online TV programming is provided via the Free-To-Air protocol that allows large viewership of local and international TV stations from the internet.

People in Africa are able to watch TV stations from Europe and America and vice versa. The pc 2007 elite TV software is therefore legitimate software with over 3000 TV channels.

13. You are able to watch local American TV shows from all over the world.

One of the biggest advantages of online TV softwares is that you will be able to watch TV even from far away areas. People working for long durations away from their country will find this particularly exciting.

There are hundreds of people working in foreign aid missions, expats, Peace Corps, and others in relief and business sectors.

Online TV will enable you to watch real time news channel from American and European TV stations. All you will need is a good fast speed broadband internet connection and internet TV will be available to you on your laptop or pc computer.

14. Watch and record Free TV shows, programs, series, episodes, movies and Sports Online

The internet TV software will most importantly enable you to watch online television while at the same time recording and saving it to your computer memory. The larger your computer memory, the more TV shows you can record and save. Basically, you turn your computer into one big movie storage centre.

Most people prefer to buy one of those external memory sticks or hard drive that they can attach to their computer and save into. This will ensure that you don’t use up all your computer space storing movies, TV shows and sports.

15. Turn your pc or laptop into a mega station super TV screen

One thing that the satellite TV softwares for online television do to your computer is to turn it into a super TV show and movie screen.

The more than 3000 TV channel can easily be browsed by the touch of your mouse. You can be watching Arabic online TV station one minute and a French or American news network the next.

16. Easy to use Pc 2007 Elite tool bar and TV Station ordering

The pc 2007 elite edition software is programmed such that it has an easy to use interface. The toolbar is such that it gives you a choice of countries that you want to watch TV from.

After selecting the country, it then lists most of the TV stations available from that country. You then scroll through the many TV stations listed and click on the one that you are looking for.

The software will then scan the station selected and within seconds, you are watching the exact internet TV station you chose. It’s that easy to browse the pc 2007 elite edition software toolbar-a cave girl would find her way to ice age TV station if they had it.

17. Watch Free good quality picture and sound online TV shows, Movies and Episodes

Online TV is usually challenged in providing good quality picture and sound. I want to tell you that most internet TV software being sold online are scams. They may have 10,000 channels on them, but then again, what’s the use of all that many channels if you never get to watch even 1 in good DVD quality picture.

Let me say that there are also few good quality internet TV softwares that actually have very high quality and at lowest cost. I think the PC 2007 Elite Edition stands a good number among top 10 TV software for online TV.

18. Watch Old classic Movies, TV shows and Sports

Most online TV stations also broad cast a lot of old movies and old TV shows. There are whole online television channels and stations dedicated to broadcasting old TV shows, films, movies, music and sports.

I you fancy the old comedy programs like the Jeffersons, different strokes, Sanford and Sons, Kojak, and others, then you will get enough of that’s too. Old TV series and episodes are also available.

In addition you will have a lot of free internet radio stations that play old music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. These are radio stations that specialize in different genres of music including Soul, Jam, Jazz, and Country music, Gospel, Hip Hop and Rap.

19. Travelers can watch Destination Weather Channels Online

International Online TV accessible to people traveling to other countries for business, work or leisure is useful in knowing the state of the weather. When you are traveling China for example, it would be advisable to watch Chinese local TV a week or so before departure.

This will tell you the state of the weather and other things like the politics and other issues that might affect your stay there. Yu don’t to be caught in a blizzard, or storm right at the airport on arrival.

20. Watch Free Educational TV Shows Online with software

There are many educational TV channels online that are useful for children and adults too. The educational programming will help the kids understand how the rest of the world works which is good for their personal development.

There are also other discovery and scientific TV channels suitable for adults. In addition there are a lot of shopping, hunting and sports channels that can be a good way of knowing what is selling where or what team has won what and where in the world.

About The Author Robert Kutt

So if you want to enjoy the same service of online satellite TV like I do, download your own copy RIGHT HERE!!! http://www.pcsatellitetvreviews.blogspot.com


Planet Earth Is A Documentary That Must Be Viewed In HD

We just bought a Blue ray HD DVD player for our HDTV. After we got it hooked up, which took a while... I, for some reason or another just realized that I did not know any HD movies for me to observe on it. Well I already knew which one I loved to see foremost and that was Planet Earth. So I got on the internet and purchased it from an online store.

The bad thing tho' is that I had to wait three days; nonetheless I did save myself around twenty dollars, so it was worth the wait. So it came with multiple disks with around three to four episodes of Planet Earth on each of the disks.

If you did not know already each program of Planet Earth is one hour long. So once I put in Planet Earth to examine on our HDTV I went to the menu of the premiere disk for the premier broadcast. As you can ideate it was quite awesome how fine the illustration looked.

All of the landscapes were rich as can be in appearance and the animals looked as if they were fluid across the screen as they moved. I was impressed also on how well Planet Earth was filmed with a HDTV camera.

Some of the animals they record in the picture looks as if they are right there close to them and the animals are not even being disturbed by them being around. It is genuinely the most amazing flick of its type. One program that really impressed me is the freshwater one.

In the opening of it, it shows Angel ... the highestl water downfall in the world. Then it starts to break off from there and shows the extraordinary animals that live in the freshwater surroundings.

Another attribute Planet Earth does is how fine it shows the over view of the earth. Many shots are taken in high Earth altitudes while others are from space viewing the landscape and everything around it. The space shots are also one of my preferred things to look at.

Of course on our HDTV it looks as smashing as it possibly can but it gives you a idea of how diminutive the World truly is but at the same instance when it talks about some of the environments it feels that the world is very massive.

When you are watching Planet Earth you may get to an environment that they begin to speak about that upright looks unknown to you. Some of the things that are in the surroundings look as if it was not realistic and you can not even imagine about being in any of these places in true life.

One that truly shows what I am talking about is the caves installment. Fundamentally what it shows you is the subsurface world of Earth. How things work under the surface and the weird little creatures that inhabit the caves. It is truly something that will be hard for most people on the planet to believe once they have seen some of the awing animals that live on it. This docudrama is really awesomel especially if viewed on a HDTV!

About The Author John Wilkerson, an aspiring 16 year old writer. Favorite sport: Baseball. Things to do: Reading, Writing & video games. "World of Warcraft" and "Call of Duty 4" are my favorites! Resources: http://www.indoorhdantenna.com/ http://www.bushfurniturecollection.com/TV-Stands--C174.htm?gclid=COqj2Iej7ZECFQKzPAoduBwlwQ/ http://hdtvframe.wikidot.com/


Review Of "Planet Earth" On My HDTV

We just bought a Blue ray HD DVD player for our HDTV. After we got it hooked up, which took a while... I, for some reason or another just realized that I did not have any HD movies for me to watch on it. Well I already knew which one I wanted to see first and that was Planet Earth. So I got on the internet and purchased it from an online store.

The bad thing though is that I had to wait three days; however I did save myself around twenty dollars, so it was worth the wait. So it came with multiple disks with around three to four episodes of Planet Earth on each of the disks. If you did not know already each episode of Planet Earth is one hour long. So once I put in Planet Earth to view on our HDTV I went to the menu of the first disk for the first episode. As you can imagine it was quite amazing how well the picture looked.

All of the landscapes were full as can be in color and the animals looked as if they were flowing across the screen as they moved. I was impressed also on how well Planet Earth was filmed with a HDTV camera. Some of the animals they film in the movie looks as if they are right there next to them and the animals are not even being disturbed by them being around. It is truly the most amazing documentary of its type. One episode that really impressed me is the freshwater one.

In the beginning of it, it shows Angel falls... the highest water fall in the world. Then it starts to break off from there and shows the extraordinary animals that live in the freshwater environment. Another thing Planet Earth does is how well it shows the over view of the land. Some shots are taken in high Earth altitudes while others are from space showing the landscape and everything around it. The space shots are also one of my favorite things to look at.

Of course on our HDTV it looks as good as it possibly can but it gives you a feeling of how small the Earth really is but at the same time when it talks about some of the environments it feels that the world is very large. When you are watching Planet Earth you may get to an environment that they begin to talk about that just looks alien to you. Some of the things that are in the environment look as if it was not real and you can not even imagine about being in some of these places in real life.

One that really shows what I am talking about is the caves episode. Basically what it shows you is the underground world of Earth. How things form under the surface and the weird little creatures that inhabit the caves. It is truly something that will be hard for most people living on the planet Earth to believe once they have seen some of the amazing animals that live on it. This documentary is truly amazing especially if viewed on a HDTV!

About The Author John Wilkerson, an aspiring 16 year old writer.

Great Resources:





Profiles of Some Famous Guitarists

Most of us are quite enchanted by the magic of guitar. The mesmerizing tune and sweet tingling of the guitar strings have enamored many a man who has later moved on to become musical legends in their individual niche. There is a roster of famous and successful guitarists who have mastered this enigmatic art of music.

Amongst the many legendary stalwarts, Jimi Hendrix undoubtedly tops the list of profiles of famous guitarists. A genius in its truest sense, the legendary Hendrix was born in 1942. An American by birth, the maestro was a singer and lyricist, and is considered around the globe as one of the most influential and enigmatic personas in the ambit of rock music. One of the milestones in his career was his 1967 performance at the Monterey Pop Festival which raised him to instant fame in the United States and was followed by many accolades.

Besides earning a huge name and fame for himself through his forte as a great singer and musician, the legendary maestro also improvised the art of rock music in his own signature way, and he incorporated a number of innovations and techniques into the older forms of rock and jazz music. Quite recently, Hendrix was inducted into the USA's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992, and into the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2005.

The very meaning of rock music becomes insignificant without the mention of B. B. King, the master craftsman in the art of music. An ingenious guitarist and singer-cum-song writer in the American Blues, B.B. King was considered the Third Greatest Guitarist of All Time in the 2003 listing of Rolling Stone magazine.

The legendary musician started his journey in the world of music in 1946, and worked in the local R&B radio channel as a vocalist. However, soon after this he began recording under big names and became a prominent figure among the best musicians in the R&B music scene. Some of his greatest all time hits during this period include, "Whole Lotta Love," "Every Day I Have the Blues," "You Know I Love You," and "Please Accept My Love." Amidst his many achievements as a successful singer and composer, is included his most recent felicitation at the Three Deuces Building in Greenwood, Mississippi, for his maiden in radio broadcasting. Also, a grand memorial in the name of B. B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center is all set to be inaugurated on September 13, 2008, in Indianola, Mississippi.

Robert Johnson is another of the famous names in the world of guitar and its magic. Born on May 8, 1911, as Robert Leroy Johnson, the veteran guitarist was one of the brightest stars in the entire Delta Blues group. The period between 1936 and 1937 saw him in great guns when he claimed and proved his forte as a brilliant guitarist and lyricist, as well as an awesome singer. Often regarded as the "Grandfather of Rock-and-Roll," Robert Johnson is believed to have been a great influence in the world of rock music, inspiring many legends of the same genre, including Bob Dylan, The Allman Brothers Band, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Black Keys, and many others. Eric Clapton, another legend of the same kind, has called Johnson "the most important blues musician who ever lived."

About The Author Patrick Carpen is the designer, writer and owner of the website http://guitaring.infobay.ws/

Infobay.ws is a content based, consumer oriented website that provides professionally researched, and up to the minute content on selected subjects.


CD Maintenance

As we all know CDs & DVDs are prone to scratching, marking, cracking & breaking.

If you leave discs out near your PC or stereo, dust will settle or the data side will get scratched or marked. Now the best ways to prevent this happening are simple. They may sound straight forward but you’ll be surprised how many times CDs & DVDs are not protected properly. Following these simple steps will ensure you can use your CD's and DVD's for dvd copying and cd copying for years to come.

Keep your CDs in there Jewel Cases. If not there are PVC wallets which act as ample protection or Card Wallets. For you DVDs you must keep them in their DVD boxes or, as previously mentioned, PVC Wallets and Card wallets will do.

If your CD or DVD gets scratched, you may think that it’s damaged forever……..Wrong! The scratching on the surface of the disc simply fools the laser and makes it skip. Or, if you’re player has difficulty in loading the data, it’s due the surface being scratched and unable to read the digital data below.

However, do not panic! There are plenty of repair kits around to eliminate this problem and allow you to perfrom that all important cd copying or dvd copying. If you’ve thought you’ve lost a CD forever due to mark or scratch, think again!

These repair kits are a compound mixture of polish, which are specially designed for plastic (which discs are made up of). The mixture interacts with the polymer and allows the polish to get to work on the scratch. This polish will remove the majority of the disc that has been damaged and restore the music/data back to full playability.

Therefore, you revive your discs using these kits. However, I suggest you look after your CD or DVD by putting them back into their Jewel Case, DVD box, PVC Wallet or Card Wallet. Keep them in a dust-free environment or storage case.
Keep your discs playing longer...

When you remove your discs from their CD Jewel Cases or DVD box then you risk the centre-hub cracking or breaking. This will lead to disc failures. Especially for console playing or DVD films. Having looked around for a remedy to this common problem, we have found a solution...

It’s in the form of a metal reinforced centre-hub. It’s easy to attach and will reduce the stress that is normally applied when removing CDs or DVDs from Jewel Cases or DVD Boxes. This will prevent the discs from cracking at the centre. “Hurray!” I hear you say.

About The Author Keith McGregor is a partner of Strawberrysoup, a web design agency with offices in Chichester and Bournemouth. Strawberrysoup specialise in creative web design, content managed websites, search engine optimisation, search engine marketing and graphic design



Use of CD’s and their future

CD’s initially started off as music on discs or audio format in the mid-to-late 1980’s. CD-R’s (R means recordable) then became popular when being produced cheaply. CD ROM’s (ROM means Read Only Memory) then shortly followed to provide data discs for computers which can not be written on.

CD-Rs – written to once only. This obviously didn’t help if you had made a mistake in creating your CD and was a waste of a disc, which was expensive back in those days. Unlike a cassette, where you could record over and over (do you know anyone who still owns a cassette these days?). Therefore, the CD-RW (CD-Rewritable) was created which means you could write over the data several times. The discovery of CD duplication and CD copying has also helped to keep the compact disc alive.

CDs today are used in all sorts of industries today. Obviously, the music industry is the main source of most of the discs we have around the house. However, over the past 5 years, CDs have become an essential tool for marketing, selling, promoting, learning, informing and many, many more. Examples are:

# Promotional CDs – marketing companies use them as handy aids to distribute either by post, or to hand them out at conferences

# Music/Audio – Artists use them to record albums and also use as language learning aids.

# Training – You can put a whole training manual onto 1 CD which is far cheaper to produce and much easier to send.

# Software – This is the most used second to music.

These are but just a few uses for CDs.

We all receive CDs in the post as part of product recognition or sales. Newspapers give us freebies with either music or software. CD printing has allowed these forms of marketing to be customized to improve the effectiveness of the overall campaigns. At the moment the demand for CDs is on the increase and looks to remain that way for the next few years anyway. However, just as it’s predecessor, the cassette, the CD may be superseded by the USB stick.

About The Author Keith McGregor is a partner of Strawberrysoup, a web design agency with offices in Chichester and Bournemouth. Strawberrysoup specialise in creative web design, content managed websites, search engine optimisation, search engine marketing and graphic design



Romancing The Stone Film

Romancing the Stone is an American 1984 action-adventure film.Directed by Robert Zemeckis, it stars Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. This film was one of the best adventure/humor movies of the eighties. Not only did it boost the star rating of Michael Douglas, it helped launch Kathleen Turner into stardom. It also was Robert Zemeckis's first box office hit as a director.

The plot of the movie revolves around romance writer Joan Wilder, played by Kathleen Turner, who travels to Colombia to find her kidnapped sister. In time she falls in love with a soldier of fortune [Michael Douglas] and the two become romantically involved as they search for a precious stone which the kidnappers want.

The beginning of the film shows Joan receiving a package from her dead brother-in-law. Soon after the package arrives she gets a frantic call from her sister Elaine[Mary Ann Trainor] informing her that she has been kidnapped and needs the map from the package as ransom. Joan flies down to Columbia but she gets lost on the way to her destination. But eventually she runs into Jack T. Colton [Douglas] and offers him some money if he would help her find her way to Cartagena. He helps her to elude a few unsavory characters who seem to be following her.Oneof these villains just happens to be the leader of the secret police who is responsible for her brother-in-laws death. The other two zany characters are Ralph [Danny DeVito] and Ira [Zack Norman].

Jack uncovers the map that Joan is carrying and after some convincing she agrees to go after the treasure. They agree that after finding the treasure they can then give the worthless map to the kidnappers. After some unbelievable escapes, they eventually find the treasure which turns out to be an enormous emerald called the malevolent. Zolo and Ralph steal it from them but then the Colombian police show up. After getting the stone back from Ralph, Joan and Jack get separated but agree to meet at Joan's hotel in Cartagena, but when Jack doesn't show up, Joan starts to get worried.

She then meets her sister's captors[Ralph and Ira] and turns over the map. They are interrupted by Zolo who knows that the map is worthless. Zolo's men are holding Jack who refuses to disclose the location of the emerald. Zolo uses Joan as bait and tells Jack that if he refuses to disclose the emeralds location he will be forced to feed Joan to the crocodiles. Jack relents and gives up the gem and tosses it towards the crocodiles.Zolo catches the stone but his hand, along with the gem, ends up in one of the crocodiles stomach. A gunfight ensues between Zolo's men and Ira's men. This allows Joan, Elaine and Jack to escape. After a prolonged fight with Zolo's men, Ira and his men escape, but Ralph is left behind.

Zolo catches Joan and Elaine. Joan tries to kill Zolo with his own switchblade,but Zolo blocks the thrown knife with a piece of wood. After Elaine faints from the sight, Joan pleads for Jack's help. He must decide whether to save her or hold onto the croc which has ingested El Corazon. He decides to try to save Joan by scaling a rock wall to reach her. However, he arrives moments after Zolo falls into a pit full of crocodiles. Seeing that the women are safe, Jack leaves to pursue El Corazon once more.

Joan then returners home to New York where she is confronted with lonely feeling towards Jack. She writes a hit novel based on her recent adventures. But one day, as she is returning home she is confronted by Jack,who is wearing crocodile skin boots, waiting for her in a sailboat that is parked on the main street in front of her apartment. It seems that Jack managed to catch the croc who had swallowed the gem. The croc had suffered a fatal case of indigestion from swallowing the gem. The ending is a not so typical love story showing Joan and Jack kissing on the deck of the Angelina, which was named for Joan's fictional heroine, as the trailer that the boat rests on drives off into the streets of N.Y. City.

About The Author Andrew Conway is an author, a musician, and a classic movie buff. If you love watching movies or just listening to great music, then visit: http://www.ultimate-free-downloads.com


A Piano: Acoustic vs. Digital

The most serious piano teachers will adamantly point their students in the direction of an acoustic piano. For serious piano studying, I agree with this completely for reasons I will discuss shortly. But for many reasons, a genuine handcrafted instrument may not be the best choice for you. With the affordability, portability, and the many features that come with digital pianos, you may wish to head the other way. Summarily, the question of acoustic versus digital boils down to a matter of authenticity versus everything else.

Mostly, the drawbacks of an acoustic piano are matters of practicality, such as price. For what you could get a new, decent quality digital piano with, you’ll be dealing with a rather meager acoustic. This can encompass a number of problems. For instance, aside from any tuning it might need, the overall sound quality of a cheap acoustic piano can be quite poor. This may not just be an issue of old strings, but can result from an infinite number of possible factors arising from any of the complex mechanics of the piano being in disrepair. Other common problems of old pianos are broken keys and sticky keys, which is when the keys fail to spring up the way they should. There may also be faults with the framework that can range from nuisances to impending hazards. The trouble of a bad acoustic continues indefinitely, and the piano may need a decent amount of initial maintenance, in addition to periodic maintenance, which is likely to pull a few additional large bills out of your wallet right way.

Also, because of its bulk and weight, an acoustic may be a very difficult accommodation for people living in tight or elevated spaces, such as dorm rooms and certain city apartments. Some buildings may even prohibit pianos, particularly on floors above the ground level because the weight and bulk of pianos make them quite cumbersome and possibly hazardous to either the tenants or the buildings themselves. This raises the issue of portability as well. Do you gig? Do you relocate frequently? Toting a 500 pound upright piano isn’t possible for most people; moving one across the room is a challenge for most people. If your music needs to be ready to go, your hulking wooden companion is not going to be sympathetic.

Acoustic pianos also lack the many features present in digital pianos nowadays that may be valuable tools to you. For example, volume control may be necessary in dormitory, or close living, situations. Newer digitals also come with a suite of onboard functions, including on-the-fly recording, voice customization, electronic metronome, and even music mixing features, which you won’t have. You will also lack the benefit of porting your music to your PC; a simple MIDI connector would feed your performance directly into your computer’s audio card without any ambient noise or loss of sound quality, which will probably beat any recording made with an acoustic piano and consumer grade recording hardware available at a neighborhood electronics store.

With an acoustic, you will surely be at, at least, some degree of inconvenience. Still, despite the great deal of effort digital piano makers have put into their product, none have been able to truly reproduce the sound and feel of a good acoustic piano. First, lets talk about the piano sound. To most people, casual or occasional listeners of piano music, the resulting sounds between an acoustic piano and a digital piano are quite identical and equally satisfactory musically. But listen closely, because there is an important difference.

A digital piano outputs high quality recordings of the sounds that were made by a real piano at one time. During the process of making a digital piano, each key of a real concert grand piano is struck a number of times at varying velocities and recorded with sophisticated equipment to be used as the digital voice. This will give the digital piano a sufficient range of tonality and an overall likeness to the sound of an acoustic piano in varying music dynamics. But once the notes have been recorded and finally integrated with the digital piano’s voicing mechanism, they are never going to be changed. Even though the aesthetic quality of the sound is state of the art, it is the way the sounds should behave but cannot because they are fixed recordings that is the fundamental problem of digital pianos.

An acoustic piano uses a complex array of hammers, strings, a soundboard, and other moving parts that function in collaboration. This means that when any note is played, it is not played with entire independence, but is highly affected by the current state of the surrounding components of the piano. For example, playing a chord on a digital piano will simply result in three notes being played, as they were recorded individually, at the same time, whereas with an acoustic piano, the three notes will interact with each other through the soundboard and become a stew of vibrations, producing a different, more complex, and ultimately richer sound. Lacking this quality, what comes out of digital speakers will typically be quite boring and unsatisfactory to aficionados of the true piano tone.

An acoustic piano is also an analog instrument, which means is has virtually infinite range. For example, there is no limit to the loudness or softness a note may be played on an acoustic piano. With digital pianos, there is a point at which a minimum or maximum will be achieved. This means there will be occasions when you will not be able to play a note as softly or as loudly as you wish. In order words, true pppp or ffff are probably beyond the reach of digital pianos without you resorting to adjusting the volume dial while you’re performing. Even if you were to do that, the tonal quality of the notes would remain static from that point on, when it would further continue to dull or brighten on an acoustic piano.

Another problem of digital devices is the matter of intervals. In photography, for example, pixels are the intervals. With a traditional film camera, the amount of detail you are able to capture is theoretically unlimited because film is a single and continuous malleable body. The “film” of a digital camera is not single or continuous but is a multitude of pixels, each of which is only able to record a solid block of color. The amount of detail a digital camera is able to capture will depend on the how small the pixels are and how tightly they’re packed together. If the pixels, or intervals, are small enough and packed tight enough, the amalgam of the blocks of color they record will appear to be smooth curves and gradients to the human eye.

There is a similar issue of intervals with digital pianos, which is mainly the issue of touch sensitivity. Digital pianos have a finite number of intervals when it comes to key pressure. The more intervals there are and the closer they are to each other, the more realistically the piano will respond to your dynamics. High end digital pianos will have quite a lot of them. But digital pianos within the means of average shoppers may not have sufficient sensitivity. This means that while the vast difference between piano and forte may be noticeable, the most intricate variances of touch pressure may be disregarded. This will be quite a nuisance to pianists seeking a highly responsive instrument, particularly when it comes to meticulous classical music.

It also manifests in pedaling. Piano pedals are ranged. Between simple on and off, or up and down, there are degrees. Half-pedaling and quarter-pedaling are crude terms describing the manner of pedaling in which the pedal is only pressed partially down in order to create an intermediate effect. For instance, rather than completely depressing the pedal so that the full brilliance of a note is sustained, you may wish to depress it only half way to dampen about half of the note and let only the remainder of it sustain for a subtler, suppressed quality. Certainly a scrupulous pianist will wish to employ the complete range of pedaling available to him, which may not be represented entirely accurately in a digital piano.

Aside from sound, as mentioned previously, key touch is also an important issue. Digital piano makers these days have gone to great lengths to reproduce the feel of acoustic pianos. For the most part, they’ve done a good job. They’ve even gone as far as implementing graded hammer action, which is in line with the hammers of acoustic pianos gradually becoming lighter from left to right. As a matter of fact, if you could take a look at the inner workings of a digital piano, you would be quite surprised and impressed with the complexity of the hammer mechanics. However, as long as digital pianos look the way they do, being the shape and size they are, there is going to be a limit as to how authentically the key feel can be made.

The hammers on a digital piano are simply extensions of the pianist’s fingers. When the pianist presses a key down, it will raise the opposing lever, which touches the electronic pad inside the piano that serves as the string. The hammers on an acoustic piano do not behave this way. Instead of being extensions of the pianist’s fingers, they are rather like projectiles that are sprung toward the strings high above them. Imagine the carnival game where you must hit a pad on the ground with a mallet, which flings a projectile up the meter towards the bell at the very top. The finger is the mallet, the visible piano key is the pad, the hammer inside the piano is the projectile, and the string is the bell. First of all, this means if you press a key all the way down but not with the minimum amount of force needed, the projectile hammer will never leave its seating and the string will actually never be struck. Secondly, this launch-pad-like action feels quite different than the seesaw-like action of digital piano hammers.

The only way this can truly be reproduced in a digital piano is by the use of bona-fide acoustic hammers. And there’s nothing wrong with doing that. But the problem is there isn’t enough room for them inside the compact size of most of the digital pianos today. That’s why as long as they look the way they do, the action of digital pianos will not feel completely akin to that of acoustic pianos. Larger, higher end models do integrate the acoustic hammer action simply to recreate the key feel. Even higher end models, which are called “silent pianos,” integrate strings as well and are bona-fide acoustic pianos with the added ability to remove the strings from the action and toggle on digital mode in order to provide volume control! But these tend to be even more expensive than acoustic pianos.

These are the basic points to think about when shopping for your piano. To restate what I said at the beginning of the article, it really boils down to the authenticity versus everything else. And the authenticity is usually going to cost you more to get. What you should think about is how important it is to you that the piano truly resembles an acoustic. Are you a classical piano student looking at a long road of perfection and possibly a career as a concert performer? Then a digital piano is probably not what you want to be practicing on, even as a temporary substitution. I would suggest taking financing an acoustic and using your relatively small budget of cash as the down payment. If this is not necessarily what you’re going for, then perhaps a digital reduction is all you really need. For most people, it is.

About The Author Eugene Chung is a student of classical piano and webmaster of Piano Lessons with Master Teachers, a collection of interviews held with some three dozen legendary concert pianists and teachers concerning the art of piano mastery, freely available at http://www.piano-lessons-master-teachers.com.


For Romance Without Any Stress, "Sleepless in Seattle" Is the Cure

If you were celebrating Valentines Day with a candlelight dinner for two at home and settled in to watch a movie, "Sleepless in Seattle" would be a great choice because it provides a pleasant experience and is already becoming a romantic comedy classic.

Your parents or grandparents experienced a similar story line in the now classic "An Affair to Remember" that was released in 1957 and paired Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. Their characters fall in love and agree to meet in 6 months at the Empire State Building in New York.

Sleepless in Seattle, released 36 years later in 1993, pairs Tom Hanks as Sam Baldwin and Meg Ryan as Annie Reed. Sam is the recently-widowed father of 8-year-old Jonah Baldwin (Ross Malinger), who calls a nationally-broadcast radio talk show in an attempt to find his lonely father a partner.

A somewhat reluctant Sam talks to host Marcia Fieldstone and thousands of single women across America are suddenly drawn in to Sam's sense of love for his former wife, each wishing she could be as cherished as Sam's next special person. To wit:

Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife?

Sam Baldwin: Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together . . .and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home . . . only to no home I'd ever known . . .I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like . . . magic.

If that dialog does not melt every woman's heart she would need to go straight to "The Wizard of Oz" and receive a new transplant. Soon Sam is getting thousands of letters from wannabe partners, all of which are read by his son Jonah, who decides that "Annie" is the best choice.

Annie is engaged to marry Walter (Bill Pullman). Should she do so she would be making the first great mistake of her life. Walter is a decent enough chap, but Annie is missing any sparks in their relationship because Walter has the personality of an ashtray.

Annie goes to great lengths to meet Sam, flying from New York to Seattle only to discover Sam with another woman, whom she mistakes for a love interest. She never mails a letter she has written to Sam, but her friend does. In it she proposes to meet Sam on top of the Empire State Building.

Sam is not interested in going, but his son Jonah is, so, with the help of his new friend whose parents own a travel agency, he is able to book a flight to the Big Apple and ends up on the observation deck of the Empire State Building looking for Annie. Sam, in a panic, to find his son, follows him to New York. The rest you will have to see.

Hanks is very convincing as a forlorn widower and Ryan was at her peak of being cute and innocent. The chemistry between the two, who only share approximately 2 minutes of screen time together, is great.

The role of Annie was originally offered to Julia Roberts but she turned it town. Kim Basinger, who was also offered the part, turned it down because she thought the premise was ridiculous. Just recently in the news, a youngster in Jonah's peer group did exactly what Jonah did, managed to book flight on a major airline and fly undetected. Life is indeed stranger than fiction.

The screenplay for Sleepless in Seattle was written in part by Nora Ephron, who also wrote "When Harry Met Sally" (another great romantic comedy with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal). Ephron directed the film.

Ephron, David S. Ward and Jeff Arch (who did write the story) were nominated for an Oscar for Best Screenplay, and the film received another nomination for Best Original Song ("A Wink and a Smile"). Sleepless in Seattle also got Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture, Best Actor (Tom Hanks) and Best Actress (Meg Ryan).

Sleepless in Seattle cost $21 million to film and grossed $227 million worldwide at the box office, adding another $65+ million in rentals.

Tom Hanks is the gold standard in acting. He has been nominated for 5 Best Actor Oscars (Big, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and Cast Away) and won twice for "Philadelphia" and "Forrest Gump". Hanks also has won 4 Best Actor Golden Globes for Big, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump and Cast Away.

His films have grossed more than $3.3 billion. He remains only 1 of 3 actors to have 7 consecutive $100 million domestic blockbusters; the other two are Tom Cruise and Will Smith.

Sleepless in Seattle is viewed by many guys as a "chick flick" but not by me. I consider it an outstanding relationship film with a great story line that proves to be a pleasant viewing experience every time I see it again. If a guy has ever been in love and felt the magic, he will appreciate this film a lot more.

Copyright © 2008 Ed Bagley

About The Author Ed Bagley
Read my articles on "Want a Six-Figure Income Without Getting a College Degree of Any Kind? Here Is How", "The Biggest Mistake Potential Hires Make While Interviewing for a Job" and "Before You Interview, Learn and Practice Ed's "Zip a Lip" Theory".
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