A different corner

You are cheated on in a relationship but you try to convince yourself it's all ok. However something in the back of ones mind keeps repeating the truth.Everyone knows, nobody shows and the hurt still grows:

I don't know what to think sometimes
Coming home is such a painful drive
Door opens, you greet picture perfect fine
but I see another none too shy

Telling me with a smile that shines
same old guests are again coming tonight
Guess it's a sign of the times
when you can play before haunted eyes

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

Doorbell strikes to hit right on time
Last to know I want to die
I'm getting tired of reading signs
Getting tired just like his wife

What good is silence to me now
what good is violence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I caught what I caught yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

I can't and I don't
I don't and I won't
I won't and I shan't
I shan't because i can't believe you anymore

What good is violence to me now
what good is silence to me now
What good is turning a different corner today
when I saw what I saw yesterday
Can't turn back the clock anyhow
what good are you to me now?

About The Author First of all welcome to Dlyricist.com via ArticleCity. All the songs are my own ,and I am Suki Cheema , who claims to be a lyricist. They are for the enjoyment of all, from established names and their reps to the guys performing on a weekend in the pub to someone getting a high on youtube. Some will be moved and other's will ask for the bucket...but hey that's life!

Anyway please look at the Recent compositions on the left or search if you what to look for, or if you have the time enjoy an entire collection which each has ten compositions. Before I go, please get express permission before using my material for obvious reasons.



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