The Origins of Music Notation

Wherever we go before Christmas, we will always hear the Christmas carols that strain, but has it ever implied in your mind the question, how the origins of music notation, so we are in the world can enjoy the same song with the same melody.

At Ugarit found some square paper (from the year 1400 BC) who sang in the Unread song Huri, accompanied by a kind of notation, but it did not work for the re-echoed, or in singing.

Likewise there is no certainty whether the Hebrews have a notation system, it has been in the attempt to interpret the signs of the sound pressure from the Hebrew script, as a form of notation, but it did not work, because the signs of the sound pressure was more intended to say rather than for music, besides it is in addition tanda2 created from original artwork.

In the absence of musical notation that can be standardized or written, we will not be able to disseminate a piece of music or leave it to the next generation. Due to this musical notation, so today we can still continue to enjoy the works of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven.

Who actually initiated the idea of the modern Western musical notation as we know it today? In the eleventh century (995-1050) a monk from the Benedictine named Guido of Arezzo to teach students to memorize tone student from cdefga. Because he was familiar and already familiar with "Ut Queant Laxis", Christian songs about the apostle John, so he created a tool memories:

UT-queant laxis
RE-sonare fibris
MI-re gestorum
FA-muli tuorum
SOL-ve pollutis
LA-biis reatum
Sancte Iohannes

Word original syllable of this phrase to six could become a tone: ut, te, mi, fa, sol, la. Until today we still use this system, only to be changed to be said UT has been dropped after an additional Si La is still there.

Guido of Arezzo is the freeing of human dependence on the previous century than the oral tradition passed on to the next. Because of the tone of the music notation is the human race today can have a very large property in the form of deposits of hundreds of thousands of musical works ranging from a heavy piece of music, to lagu2 simfoni2 simple to complex.

Through the notation of this reason, the music began to be written and taught from the sheet music, music theory can also follow through with the notation which is easier to learn a song and intrument of music, and from then on also polyphony (more than one rhythm that can be played same time) as well as creating harmony in the music tone or song.

From the school of Notre Dame in Paris copyright motet. Motet is beginning a four-part harmony, the soprano, alto, tenor and bass. John C Hatton to the 18th century living (? -1793) Has created a melody that is better known by the name "Duke Street", based on the name of the street where he lived in St. Helen - England. It turns out this melody became so popular, so it can be assessed is the melody of the most widely used for creating spiritual hymns.

These are among others who use the praise melody of "Duke Street": Almighty Father, Bless the Word * Forth in Thy Name, O Lord * From All That dwell Below the Skies * I Know That My Redeemer Lives * Jesus Shall Reign * O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand * O Lord, Thou Art My God and King * Our Lord Is Risen from the Dead. For those who want to hear the melody of Duke Street please visit to
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